Below is a list of stores that might prove useful. The website is for the local store and will list store house and other useful information, while the driving link will show you the store's location in relation to the property, including driving times.
This is the closest grocery store. To initially stock up, go to Fry's or Costco instead.
This is the local Kroger store, is always well stocked and very clean. Also, quick checkout.
Trader Joes
If you know about this chain, you'll want to go there.
Whole Foods
For the healthier choice in groceries. Nice, clean, wide open and modern.
Walmart. Combination food market and traditional Wal-Mart.
Costco. The gold standard when initially stocking the house. Also has a gas station and auto center.
Walgreens Pharmacy
The closest full-service pharmacy to the property.
Pima County Sherriff
Just in case your kids get out of hand. No saying it's going to happen, but....
Rural Metro Fire
Hopefully, this section of the web site never, never, ever gets used.
Southern Arizona Urgent Care
This is the closest urgent care to the property.
Tucson Medical Center
This is the closest ER and full-service hospital to the property.
Poison Control
Phone number is 800-222-1222
Park Place Mall
The closest large mall to the property. Tons of shops, restaurants and a movie theatre.
Tucson Mall
The largest mall in Tucson. Indoor space is on two floors and it has the usual suspects of surrounding restaurants.
La Encantada
Smaller mall but very upscale, surrounded by great dining.
North Fourth Avenue
OK, so it's not really a mall, but a street filled with eclectic shops and restaurants right next to Tucson's downtown area.